Thursday, December 13, 2012

Brother Battle

Brother Battle
How will I ever get use to stop fighting with Jayden and make a plan so we can stop getting into big fights? I thought to myself. We were at my house and we were playing games upstairs.
When our mom and dad came home we ran downstairs.I tried to get to the computer first Jayden also wanted to get to the computer first.Me and Jayden started to get mad and we started to argue.We would never stop fighting. We started to set the computer up with our mom and dad.
We started to fix the computer because we saw it was not put together. I wanted to fix the computer because I wanted to play first.I wanted to put the wire in first Jayden said ”less talking and more working”, because he wanted to play on the computer. I said “ you can play on the Wii. We never stop our fights.
When we got done we were still fighting and our mom and dad said “ lest program the computer first and you can make a plan in the mean”. I said “lest play something together so we can play something together on the computer”. We played the legos together and I came with a plan to play in the theater room. I was the won who played in the theater room. Jayden play the lego's and decided to play the  WII.
I decided to go pick up my three year old brother Nykash so I can make a plan. When I got home I played the in the theater room again. I came up With the plan so we can play the computer then fighting alllll day long. I wanted to play on the computer and Jayden wanted to play two, so I came up with the plan to, one plays in the theater and one plays on the computer for one day. I did not like that idea though. I decided to draw because I also come up with a plan.
I decided to draw a pitcher of  me pitching so I can get an idea. The idea that I got was to take turns and we liked that idea and that was the only thing I thought of because we take turns pitching in baseball. When I got upstairs with Jayden I said “ lets take turns on the computer”, Jayden said “ ok”,and  I said you can go first.

THE END!                                             


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